Creating an Osmos Uploader

In this section you will learn the basics of how to setup the Osmos Uploader.


This page outlines the initial process for creating a smart data uploader in the Osmos platform.

You may also follow along with the following video of how to create an Osmos Uploader.


  1. Destination Connector

Creating an Osmos Uploader

Step 1: Click New Uploader

A list of Destination Connectors will appear, grouped by Source type. Select the destination for the uploaded data.

Step 2: Provide a Name and Description for the Uploader

Once you've saved the Uploader, the Configuration screen will appear

Your Osmos Uploader is ready to be tested or implemented.

Instructions for testing an Osmos Uploader can be found in Testing your Osmos Uploader, and a sample test environment can be found in What is an Osmos Uploader.

Configuration instructions can be found in Embedding an Osmos Uploader in Your Web App, and additional option configuration options are described in Optional Configuration.

Last updated