↘️Source Connectors

Source connectors read data from an external system.


A Source Connector is used to access source data within a specific system. You can connect to various systems using Osmos, such as Amazon S3, BigQuery, Google Drive and more. Once you create a Source Connector, you can connect it to one of your Destination Connectors using an Osmos Pipeline, and send data from the Source Connector to the Destination Connector.

Select from the list of systems below to get started.

Source Systems

You can create a Source Connector for any of the following systems:

If you are trying to access a Source system that is behind a firewall, please ensure that the following Osmos IP addresses are allowed to access the system. Osmos uses these fixed IP addresses to access your sources and destinations.

For the US Region: IP Addresses

For the EU Region: IP Addresses

Last updated