Uploading Data to your Table

In this section you will learn how to upload data into a table.


Once you have created your table, you will need to upload data. The easiest way to import data is through the Osmos Uploader. It is a one-step process to create an Osmos Uploader and an Osmos Dataset Destination Connector.

Building an Osmos Uploader with Your Table

Create an Uploader directly from your newly created Table.

Step 1: From the Table list select Create Uploader.

Osmos automatically creates both the Uploader and a new Destination Connector. When creating the Uploader directly from the Table, the name of both the Uploader and the Connector will be a combination of the dataset & table names.

Your new Osmos Uploader is ready for use!

Uploading Table Data

You can use the Osmos Uploader within Osmos to import data into your table. All standard Osmos Uploader functionality applies. Click here to learn more about Osmos Uploaders.

Cloning Table Data

Tables can be duplicated into existing Datasets or a different Dataset entirely. Note, that this process will duplicate all of the data in addition to the schema. You can edit the schema before the completion of the cloning.

Step 1: From the Table list select the Clone Table icon.

Step 2: Select a Project ID.

Step 3: Select a Dataset Name.

Step 4: Provide a Table Name.

Step 5: Select Clone.

Step 6: Make any edits to the newly created table. These include adding/deleting/changing field names, field types, and required status', along with setting primary keys.

Step 7: Select Save.

Viewing Data

From within Osmos Datasets, you can view data in several different ways.

  1. Click on the Query Builder icon for the Dataset. This will launch the Query Builder for you to create the table or cross-table view.

  2. Click on the individual Table Name. This will launch table detail via the Query Builder.

  3. To export and view Table details, click on the download icon under Actions. This will download your dataset into a CSV file format for review.

You can also link to view the imported Dataset data directly from the Uploader. You can link directly by clicking on the Status field or the Actions, on the right.

Osmos Dataset Connector

When creating your new Uploader, an Osmos dataset connector is also created as the default destination for the Uploader.

By default, Osmos Dataset Destination connectors created via Datasets will always be configured to insert data and fail in the case that Primary Keys overlap. If an uploader should be configured to upsert data, an uploader can be manually created with this configuration.

This Connector can be used with the Uploader but has all of the same functionality of a standard Osmos Dataset Connector. It can be used with other Uploaders or as part of a standard pipeline.

Click here to learn more about Osmos Dataset Connectors.

Last updated